Post Summary: Alaska Regions
In this article. . .
Map of the 5 Regions of Alaska

Regions of Alaska
Arctic Alaska (Far North)
Major Cities of the Far North
National Parks and other public lands
- Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve
- Kobuk Valley National Park
Best Things to do in Arctic Alaska
Inside Passage
Major Cities of the Inside Passage
National Parks and other public lands
Best Things to do in Inside Passage
Interior Alaska
Major Cities of Interior Alaska
National Parks and other public lands
Best Things to do in Interior Alaska
Southcentral Alaska
Major Cities of Southcentral Alaska
National Parks and other public lands
Best Things to do in Southcentral Alaska
Southwest Alaska
Major Cities of Southwest Alaska
National Parks and other public lands
Best Things to do in Southwest Alaska
Frequently Asked Questions about the Regions of Alaska
What are the five regions of Alaska?
Alaska is most commonly divided into 5 regions: the Arctic (Far North), Inside Passage, Interior, Southcentral, and Southwest.
What are the 6 regions of Alaska?
Alaska is usually divided into 5 regions. These regions are Arctic (Far North), Inside Passage, Interior, Southcentral, and Southwest. Some people consider there to be six regions in Alaska and include the Aleutian Islands as their own separate region.
What are the areas of Alaska called?
The Alaska regions are known as Arctic (Far North), Inside Passage, Interior, Southcentral, and Southwest.
What region is northern Alaska?
Arctic Alaska or Far North Alaska